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  • Do you offer international shipping?
    Yes, we offer international shipping to many countries. Shipping costs and delivery times may vary depending on your location. You can check if we ship to your country during the checkout process.
  • Where can I add my FAQs?
    FAQs can be added to any page on your site or to your Wix mobile app, giving access to members on the go.
  • Whey are these slipping out of my ears?
    When the earbuds are slipping out of your ears this is typically because they’re being put in the incorrect way. They sit in your ear the opposite way from Airpods (the earbud sitting on the left in the charging case goes in your left ear). This is how it activates the noise cancellation and stay in your ear.
  • How long does shipping take for my order?
    Shipping times vary depending on your location and the specific product. On average, orders typically take 5-12 days for delivery. We provide tracking information so you can monitor your shipment’s progress.
  • What is your return policy?
    We offer a 30-day return policy. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it within 30 days of receiving it. Please review our Returns & Refunds page for detailed instructions.
  • Are these products covered by a warranty?
    Yes, most of our products come with a manufacturer’s warranty. Warranty details can vary by product, so please check the product description for specific information. If you have any issues, feel free to contact our customer support.
  • How can I contact your customer support team?
    You can reach our customer support team at our Contact page. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hours.
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